"Fate Points" is a LitRPG series available, authored by Allan G. The story centers on Tom, who, after mastering the system for forty years, finds his abilities reset and must start over to save humanity. The stakes are high as the cost of failure would have an unimaginable impact on his friends and family. Tom's sacrifices have propelled him into the top million, giving him the opportunity to make a difference with a risky plan. The narrative takes place on Existentia, a magical world where universe-spanning gods run a competition pitting seven species from different universes against each other. The competitors must navigate existing empires, secrets, dungeons, and trials to show their worth. The series is described as a third-person single POV LitRPG with a unique system and mechanics, strong side-characters, and is noted for leaning more towards the literary side than pure RPG. It features a slow burn progression, light romance elements, and is praised for its literary qualityhttps://www.royalroad.com/fiction/58682/fate-points-book-1-will-be-stubbed-in-19-days. Book 1 of "Fate Points" is scheduled to be stubbed soon, which means that the content will be removed or reduced in visibility on the platform. For readers interested in the series, it might be a good idea to catch up before the stubbing occurs.