"Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today" is a whimsical cultivation novel that follows Xiao Hui, who, after an unexpected demise...
"Monroe" is an original ongoing LitRPG story featured on Royal Road. The narrative follows Bob, a man who...
"Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power" is an original LitRPG story, authored by KaeNovels. The narrative follows Jay...
"Chaotic Craftsman Worships The Cube" is an original story featured, authored by ProbablyATurnip. The narrative follows the adventures...
"Savage Awakening: A LitRPG Apocalypse" is an original ongoing series. The story plunges readers into a transformed...
"Blacksmith of the Apocalypse" is an ongoing LitRPG novel set amidst multiple apocalyptic events. It follows Seth, a character who...
"The Gods are Bastards" is an original fantasy series available that blends various genres, including dungeon, steampunk...
"Apocalypse: Reborn As A Monster" is a LitRPG story set in a world where the protagonist, Thorian Steelblade, faces...
"Cataclysm Rising" is a Returnee Hero LitRPG featured. The story unfolds in a post-System Apocalypse Earth...
"Trinity of Magic" is a Progression Fantasy series available, authored by Elara. The story revolves around Ezekiel, a young boy...
"My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem" is an ongoing LitRPG that follows Deek, a man who has never been lucky in love or life...
"Fate Points" is a LitRPG series available, authored by Allan G. The story centers on Tom, who, after mastering the system for...
"Cinnamon Bun" is a delightful LitRPG that follows Broccoli Bunch, an explorer and full-time cinnamon bun...
"Path of Dragons - A LitRPG Apocalypse" is a LitRPG series authored by nrsearcy, available. The story begins with Elijah...
"Reaper's Resurgence: A System Reset LitRPG" is an original ongoing LitRPG series by author WolfShine. The story unfolds in a world governed...
"The Runesmith" is a LitRPG fantasy novel written by Kuropon and published. The story follows the journey of a man who...
"Magic Murder Cube Marine" is a humorously violent Isekai LitRPG featured on Royal Road. The story centers around Francis Francis Francis the 3rd...
"But for a Slime" is an ongoing LitRPG that chronicles Joe's survival in a bizarre world after being abducted by aliens...