"Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today" is a whimsical cultivation novel that follows Xiao Hui, who, after an unexpected demise...
"Mother of Learning" is a completed fantasy novel featuring Zorian, a mage in training with modest talents...
"Paranoid Mage" is an urban fantasy novel that follows Callum, a man who has seen the supernatural all his life but chooses to ignore it...
"Depthless Hunger" is an enthralling Xianxia LitRPG that chronicles the journey of Kai, the most diligent yet unfortunate warrior of his generation...
"Reborn as a One-Celled Organism" is an ongoing LitRPG that follows Lucy, a microbiologist who, due to a divine error, is transformed into a proto-life form...
"The Exalt" is a cultivation fantasy novel that chronicles the life of Oscar, a farmer's son whose destiny transcends his humble beginnings...
"After the End: Serenity" is a gripping LitRPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where Thomas, once the Final Reaper, chooses to restart life as Serenity...
"Accidental Champion: A LitRPG Apocalypse Tower Climber" is an ongoing LitRPG novel that follows Xavier Collins, an ordinary student who inadvertently becomes a top contender in a post-apocalyptic world...
"Blacksmith of the Apocalypse" is an ongoing LitRPG novel set amidst multiple apocalyptic events. It follows Seth, a character who...
"Singer Sailor Merchant Mage" is a progression fantasy that begins with Jack Smith's untimely demise. Reborn in another world...
"Ave Xia Rem Y" is a Xianxia novel that spins the tale of Liu Jin, who aspires to be a renowned doctor like his father...
"The Undying Immortal System" is an ongoing LitRPG that delves into the story of cultivation and self-improvement...
"Downtown Druid" is a gritty progression fantasy set in the criminal underbelly of a city-state. It follows Dantes, a man of mixed orcish...
"My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem" is an ongoing LitRPG that follows Deek, a man who has never been lucky in love or life...
"Hyperion Ever Growing: A Monster Evolution LitRPG" narrates the saga of Leif Vin, who, after a brutal battle, is reborn as a sapling with the essence of a carnivorous tree...
"Horizon of War" is a military strategy novel set in a crumbling thousand-year-old Imperium. Lansius, an office worker turned medieval peasant...
"There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns" is a unique LitRPG comedy that follows Delta, a girl who wakes up as a dungeon core...
"Cinnamon Bun" is a delightful LitRPG that follows Broccoli Bunch, an explorer and full-time cinnamon bun...
"Tunnel Rat" is a LitRPG set in a dystopian future where Milo, a repairman, lives in a steel cave within a man-made mountain...
"But for a Slime" is an ongoing LitRPG that chronicles Joe's survival in a bizarre world after being abducted by aliens...