"Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate For A Thousand Years" is a captivating tale that follows Han Jue, who, in his pursuit of longevity...
"Dragon Prince Yuan," also known as "Yuan Zun," is a series that follows the journey of Zhou Yuan, the prince of the once mighty Great Zhou Empire...
"Ar'Kendrithyst" is a portal fantasy LitRPG that follows a social worker father and his adult daughter after they crash land in a desert of crystal plants...
"Shen Yin Wang Zuo," also known as "Throne of Seal," is an action-packed fantasy series adapted from a web novel. The story is set six...
"Zhan Long" is a web novel that blends elements of action, adventure, and gaming. The story follows Li Xiao Yao, who leaves his job at S.W.A.T...
"Elydes" is an original ongoing LitRPG series. The story begins with Mat, who dies at a young age after a disappointing life...
"Bog Standard Isekai: A LitRPG Progression Fantasy" is a novel where Mark, reincarnated into a child's body in a desolate bog town...
"Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God" is a web novel that revolves around the character Shi Feng, who was once a Level 200 Sword King...
"Hell Difficulty Tutorial" is an original ongoing LitRPG Portal Fantasy/Isekai series. The story revolves around Nathaniel...
"Super Supportive" is an original ongoing LitRPG series, authored by Sleyca. The story revolves around Alden Thorn...
"Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today" is a whimsical cultivation novel that follows Xiao Hui, who, after an unexpected demise...
"The Runic Artist" is an ongoing LitRPG Portal Fantasy that follows Nate, a graffiti artist from Sydney, who finds himself in a dangerous, magical world...
"Mother of Learning" is a completed fantasy novel featuring Zorian, a mage in training with modest talents...
"Newly Summoned Demoness" is an original ongoing LitRPG Portal Fantasy/Isekai series. The story centers on Elania...
"Delve" is an isekai LitRPG that follows an average man who awakens in a forest with no memory of how he got there. He's not a chosen hero...
"Paranoid Mage" is an urban fantasy novel that follows Callum, a man who has seen the supernatural all his life but chooses to ignore it...
"Depthless Hunger" is an enthralling Xianxia LitRPG that chronicles the journey of Kai, the most diligent yet unfortunate warrior of his generation...
"Peerless Battle Spirit" is a thrilling series that follows Qin Nan, once celebrated as Linshui City's number one genius. His life takes a dramatic...
"A Thought Through Eternity" appears to be a philosophical or spiritual concept rather than a specific literary work. It could refer...
"The Exalt" is a cultivation fantasy novel that chronicles the life of Oscar, a farmer's son whose destiny transcends his humble beginnings...