"Forge of Destiny" is an original ongoing Xianxia story. It's about a young girl from the slums who is discovered to have the...
"The Runesmith" is a LitRPG fantasy novel written by Kuropon and published. The story follows the journey of a man who...
"Delve" is an isekai LitRPG that follows an average man who awakens in a forest with no memory of how he got there. He's not a chosen hero...
"Mother of Learning" is a completed fantasy novel featuring Zorian, a mage in training with modest talents...
"There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns" is a unique LitRPG comedy that follows Delta, a girl who wakes up as a dungeon core...
"First Contact" is a completed space opera that delves into the aftermath of Earth's "Glassing" eight thousand years later...
"Stray Cat Strut (Stubbing Never)" is a LitRPG series set in a dystopian future of the year 2057. The world is depicted as a...
"Chaotic Craftsman Worships The Cube" is an original story featured, authored by ProbablyATurnip. The narrative follows the adventures...
"Ar'Kendrithyst" is a portal fantasy LitRPG that follows a social worker father and his adult daughter after they crash land in a desert of crystal plants...
"Cinnamon Bun" is a delightful LitRPG that follows Broccoli Bunch, an explorer and full-time cinnamon bun...
"Valkyrie's Shadow" is a fan fiction kingdom builder set in the universe of Kugane Maruyama’s "Overlord". It chronicles the lives of natives in...
"My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem" is an ongoing LitRPG that follows Deek, a man who has never been lucky in love or life...
"Blacksmith of the Apocalypse" is an ongoing LitRPG novel set amidst multiple apocalyptic events. It follows Seth, a character who...
"Hell Difficulty Tutorial" is an original ongoing LitRPG Portal Fantasy/Isekai series. The story revolves around Nathaniel...
"Cry, Even Better If You Beg" is a dramatic webtoon that follows the story of Layla Llewellyn, who, after losing her parents...
"Super Supportive" is an original ongoing LitRPG series, authored by Sleyca. The story revolves around Alden Thorn...
"Ave Xia Rem Y" is a Xianxia novel that spins the tale of Liu Jin, who aspires to be a renowned doctor like his father...
"Overgeared" is an ongoing Korean web novel and manhwa series that has gained popularity for its engaging storyline and unique characters...
"The Butcher of Gadobhra" is a LitRPG series available, authored by The Walrus King. The story is set in a world where the protagonist...
"Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power" is an original LitRPG story, authored by KaeNovels. The narrative follows Jay...