"Stray Cat Strut (Stubbing Never)" is a LitRPG series set in a dystopian future of the year 2057. The world is depicted as a corporate-run utopia for the super-rich, while the rest live in dire conditions. The protagonist, Catherine 'Cat' Leblanc, is an orphan living far from the luxuries of the wealthy. Her life takes a dramatic turn when the Incursion alarms blare, and the sky rains down hungry xenos, adding to her already challenging life. The series is a blend of cyberpunk and magical-girl genres with alien-invasion elements, creating a unique and wild narrative. It's known for its action-packed scenes, strong female lead, and a mix of sci-fi and artificial intelligence themes woven into the LitRPG framework. Expect a story that explores the struggles of survival and identity in a world where the divide between the rich and the poor is stark and unforgiving.