"Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today" is a whimsical cultivation novel that follows Xiao Hui, who, after an unexpected demise...
"A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!" is an intriguing LitRPG series available. The story is set in a universe where...
"Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power" is an original LitRPG story, authored by KaeNovels. The narrative follows Jay...
"Labyrinth of the Mad God" is an Isekai LitRPG featured on Royal Road, authored by Magnus Grey. The story begins with Nick...
"Apocalypse: Reborn As A Monster" is a LitRPG story set in a world where the protagonist, Thorian Steelblade, faces...
"Cataclysm Rising" is a Returnee Hero LitRPG featured. The story unfolds in a post-System Apocalypse Earth...
"Trinity of Magic" is a Progression Fantasy series available, authored by Elara. The story revolves around Ezekiel, a young boy...
"Downtown Druid" is a gritty progression fantasy set in the criminal underbelly of a city-state. It follows Dantes, a man of mixed orcish...
"Valkyrie's Shadow" is a fan fiction kingdom builder set in the universe of Kugane Maruyama’s "Overlord". It chronicles the lives of natives in...
"Fate Points" is a LitRPG series available, authored by Allan G. The story centers on Tom, who, after mastering the system for...
"Horizon of War" is a military strategy novel set in a crumbling thousand-year-old Imperium. Lansius, an office worker turned medieval peasant...
"I'm Getting Too Old For This Quest" is an original story that blends elements of GameLit, Portal Fantasy, and...
"But for a Slime" is an ongoing LitRPG that chronicles Joe's survival in a bizarre world after being abducted by aliens...