"Bog Standard Isekai: A LitRPG Progression Fantasy" is a novel where Mark, reincarnated into a child's body in a desolate bog town...
"Hell Difficulty Tutorial" is an original ongoing LitRPG Portal Fantasy/Isekai series. The story revolves around Nathaniel...
"Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today" is a whimsical cultivation novel that follows Xiao Hui, who, after an unexpected demise...
"The Runic Artist" is an ongoing LitRPG Portal Fantasy that follows Nate, a graffiti artist from Sydney, who finds himself in a dangerous, magical world...
"Delve" is an isekai LitRPG that follows an average man who awakens in a forest with no memory of how he got there. He's not a chosen hero...
"Modern Patriarch" is an ongoing Xianxia story, authored by Daoist Enigma. The narrative follows Yao Shen...
"Depthless Hunger" is an enthralling Xianxia LitRPG that chronicles the journey of Kai, the most diligent yet unfortunate warrior of his generation...
"Crimson Eternal: An Immortal Death Mage LitRPG Apocalypse" is an ongoing LitRPG series set in a post-apocalyptic world. The story revolves around Aria Crimson...
"After the End: Serenity" is a gripping LitRPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where Thomas, once the Final Reaper, chooses to restart life as Serenity...
"A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!" is an intriguing LitRPG series available. The story is set in a universe where...
"Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power" is an original LitRPG story, authored by KaeNovels. The narrative follows Jay...
"Savage Awakening: A LitRPG Apocalypse" is an original ongoing series. The story plunges readers into a transformed...
"Corruption Wielder (System Decay - A LitRPG Apocalypse)" is an ongoing original LitRPG series by author Slifer274 (Aaron Shih)...
"Rise of the Living Forge" is a LitRPG series that follows the story of Arwin, a hero who has been summoned to war since...
"Singer Sailor Merchant Mage" is a progression fantasy that begins with Jack Smith's untimely demise. Reborn in another world...
"Apocalypse: Reborn As A Monster" is a LitRPG story set in a world where the protagonist, Thorian Steelblade, faces...
"Cataclysm Rising" is a Returnee Hero LitRPG featured. The story unfolds in a post-System Apocalypse Earth...
"Trinity of Magic" is a Progression Fantasy series available, authored by Elara. The story revolves around Ezekiel, a young boy...
"Downtown Druid" is a gritty progression fantasy set in the criminal underbelly of a city-state. It follows Dantes, a man of mixed orcish...
"Hyperion Ever Growing: A Monster Evolution LitRPG" narrates the saga of Leif Vin, who, after a brutal battle, is reborn as a sapling with the essence of a carnivorous tree...