"Kara (A Weak To Strong Isekai LitRPG)" is a captivating story that follows the journey of Kara, who is faced with a life-altering choice...
"Corruption Wielder (System Decay - A LitRPG Apocalypse)" is an ongoing original LitRPG series by author Slifer274 (Aaron Shih)...
"Reborn as a One-Celled Organism" is an ongoing LitRPG that follows Lucy, a microbiologist who, due to a divine error, is transformed into a proto-life form...
"I'm Getting Too Old For This Quest" is an original story that blends elements of GameLit, Portal Fantasy, and...
"Magic Murder Cube Marine" is a humorously violent Isekai LitRPG featured on Royal Road. The story centers around Francis Francis Francis the 3rd...