"Ave Xia Rem Y" is a Xianxia novel that spins the tale of Liu Jin, who aspires to be a renowned doctor like his father...
"First Contact" is a completed space opera that delves into the aftermath of Earth's "Glassing" eight thousand years later...
"Apocalypse: Reborn As A Monster" is a LitRPG story set in a world where the protagonist, Thorian Steelblade, faces...
"Cataclysm Rising" is a Returnee Hero LitRPG featured. The story unfolds in a post-System Apocalypse Earth...
"Trinity of Magic" is a Progression Fantasy series available, authored by Elara. The story revolves around Ezekiel, a young boy...
"Downtown Druid" is a gritty progression fantasy set in the criminal underbelly of a city-state. It follows Dantes, a man of mixed orcish...
"My Dungeon Life: Rise of the Slave Harem" is an ongoing LitRPG that follows Deek, a man who has never been lucky in love or life...
"Hyperion Ever Growing: A Monster Evolution LitRPG" narrates the saga of Leif Vin, who, after a brutal battle, is reborn as a sapling with the essence of a carnivorous tree...
"Ashborn Primordial" is an epic progression fantasy with South Asian/Indian cultivation elements, featured. The story centers around Ekavir...
"Valkyrie's Shadow" is a fan fiction kingdom builder set in the universe of Kugane Maruyama’s "Overlord". It chronicles the lives of natives in...
"Fate Points" is a LitRPG series available, authored by Allan G. The story centers on Tom, who, after mastering the system for...
"Horizon of War" is a military strategy novel set in a crumbling thousand-year-old Imperium. Lansius, an office worker turned medieval peasant...
"Cultivation Nerd" is a LitRPG series set in the Xianxia genre, authored by HolyMouse and available. The story follows Liu Feng...
"Path of Dragons - A LitRPG Apocalypse" is a LitRPG series authored by nrsearcy, available. The story begins with Elijah...
"The Runesmith" is a LitRPG fantasy novel written by Kuropon and published. The story follows the journey of a man who...
"Tunnel Rat" is a LitRPG set in a dystopian future where Milo, a repairman, lives in a steel cave within a man-made mountain...
"Magic Murder Cube Marine" is a humorously violent Isekai LitRPG featured on Royal Road. The story centers around Francis Francis Francis the 3rd...
"I'm Getting Too Old For This Quest" is an original story that blends elements of GameLit, Portal Fantasy, and...