"Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today" is a whimsical cultivation novel that follows Xiao Hui, who, after an unexpected demise...
"Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's Power" is an original LitRPG story, authored by KaeNovels. The narrative follows Jay...
"Rise of the Living Forge" is a LitRPG series that follows the story of Arwin, a hero who has been summoned to war since...
"Singer Sailor Merchant Mage" is a progression fantasy that begins with Jack Smith's untimely demise. Reborn in another world...
"Cataclysm Rising" is a Returnee Hero LitRPG featured. The story unfolds in a post-System Apocalypse Earth...
"Ashborn Primordial" is an epic progression fantasy with South Asian/Indian cultivation elements, featured. The story centers around Ekavir...
"I'm Getting Too Old For This Quest" is an original story that blends elements of GameLit, Portal Fantasy, and...