"Invincible Conqueror" is a web novel that tells the story of Huang Xiaolong, who was a pro-disciple of the Shaolin Temple on Earth...
"Dragon Prince Yuan," also known as "Yuan Zun," is a series that follows the journey of Zhou Yuan, the prince of the once mighty Great Zhou Empire...
"Shen Yin Wang Zuo," also known as "Throne of Seal," is an action-packed fantasy series adapted from a web novel. The story is set six...
"Zhan Long" is a web novel that blends elements of action, adventure, and gaming. The story follows Li Xiao Yao, who leaves his job at S.W.A.T...
"Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today" is a whimsical cultivation novel that follows Xiao Hui, who, after an unexpected demise...
"Modern Patriarch" is an ongoing Xianxia story, authored by Daoist Enigma. The narrative follows Yao Shen...
"Depthless Hunger" is an enthralling Xianxia LitRPG that chronicles the journey of Kai, the most diligent yet unfortunate warrior of his generation...
"Peerless Battle Spirit" is a thrilling series that follows Qin Nan, once celebrated as Linshui City's number one genius. His life takes a dramatic...
"A Thought Through Eternity" appears to be a philosophical or spiritual concept rather than a specific literary work. It could refer...
"The Exalt" is a cultivation fantasy novel that chronicles the life of Oscar, a farmer's son whose destiny transcends his humble beginnings...
"History's Strongest Senior Brother" is a captivating web novel that follows the story of Yan Zhaoge, who finds himself in a martial warrior...
"Savage Awakening: A LitRPG Apocalypse" is an original ongoing series. The story plunges readers into a transformed...
"Rise of the Living Forge" is a LitRPG series that follows the story of Arwin, a hero who has been summoned to war since...
"Ave Xia Rem Y" is a Xianxia novel that spins the tale of Liu Jin, who aspires to be a renowned doctor like his father...
"The Undying Immortal System" is an ongoing LitRPG that delves into the story of cultivation and self-improvement...
"Hyperion Ever Growing: A Monster Evolution LitRPG" narrates the saga of Leif Vin, who, after a brutal battle, is reborn as a sapling with the essence of a carnivorous tree...
"Swallowed Star" is a captivating series set in a post-apocalyptic world where the protagonist, Luo Feng, navigates a reality...
"Super God Gene" is a manhua based on an adaptation from the author’s novel ‘Twelve Winged Dark Seraph’. Set in a future...
"Cultivation Nerd" is a LitRPG series set in the Xianxia genre, authored by HolyMouse and available. The story follows Liu Feng...
"Forge of Destiny" is an original ongoing Xianxia story. It's about a young girl from the slums who is discovered to have the...