"Zhan Long" is a web novel that blends elements of action, adventure, and gaming. The story follows Li Xiao Yao, who leaves his job at S.W.A.T...
"Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today" is a whimsical cultivation novel that follows Xiao Hui, who, after an unexpected demise...
"A Thought Through Eternity" appears to be a philosophical or spiritual concept rather than a specific literary work. It could refer...
"Reborn as a One-Celled Organism" is an ongoing LitRPG that follows Lucy, a microbiologist who, due to a divine error, is transformed into a proto-life form...
"History's Strongest Senior Brother" is a captivating web novel that follows the story of Yan Zhaoge, who finds himself in a martial warrior...
"A Novel Concept - A death a day, MC will live anyway!" is an intriguing LitRPG series available. The story is set in a universe where...
"Overgeared" is an ongoing Korean web novel and manhwa series that has gained popularity for its engaging storyline and unique characters...
"Hidden Marriage" is a dramatic tale that unfolds with Ning Xi, a woman who, after being drugged, mistakenly sleeps...
"Singer Sailor Merchant Mage" is a progression fantasy that begins with Jack Smith's untimely demise. Reborn in another world...
"Apocalypse: Reborn As A Monster" is a LitRPG story set in a world where the protagonist, Thorian Steelblade, faces...
"There is no Epic Loot here, Only Puns" is a unique LitRPG comedy that follows Delta, a girl who wakes up as a dungeon core...
"Cultivation Nerd" is a LitRPG series set in the Xianxia genre, authored by HolyMouse and available. The story follows Liu Feng...
"Cinnamon Bun" is a delightful LitRPG that follows Broccoli Bunch, an explorer and full-time cinnamon bun...
"Dragon-Marked War God" is a fantasy light novel series that follows the story of the once greatest Saint who has...
"Tunnel Rat" is a LitRPG set in a dystopian future where Milo, a repairman, lives in a steel cave within a man-made mountain...
"The King's Avatar" is a Chinese web novel, also adapted into a donghua (animated series) and a live-action TV series...
"King of Gods" is a web novel that centers around Zhao Feng, a young man with a unique left eye that grants him special...
"World of Cultivation" is a novel that follows the journey of Zuo Mo, a young man with a simple dream: to become the best...
"Magic Murder Cube Marine" is a humorously violent Isekai LitRPG featured on Royal Road. The story centers around Francis Francis Francis the 3rd...
"I'm Getting Too Old For This Quest" is an original story that blends elements of GameLit, Portal Fantasy, and...